JAlbum 8.0 ke stažení
Vyšla nová inovovaná verze fotoalba JAlbum 8. Mezi zásadní
nové vlastnosti patří:
- uživatelské prostředí podporuje plně drag and drop (přetahování
objektů myší). - nový editor obrázků s podporou nových funkcí v podobě pluginů:
přetočení, červené oči, změna barev (brightness, contrast, saturation),
korekce gamma, otáčení/klopení, šedá, sepia, sharpen, blur, flip, invert
and pixelate. Editor nikdy nemění vaše původní obrázky! - Podpora RSS
- Podpora Widget
další nové vlastnosti či funkce (anglicky):
- Images having filters applied to them can be saved separately
- Faster and more memory conservative image scaling, especially for very large
JPEG images - Originals can now be included for selected images
- File picker now displays thumbnails
- Faster loading of images lacking embedded thumbnails
- Control-drag folders to have copies generated inside Jalbum containing links
to the files in the dragged folder - Improved image property editor with rating, titles (for images too), file
date and comments - Images can now be rotated and included/excluded in detail view mode
- Filters applied to images can be copied and pasted onto masses of images in
a quick way - Easy access file system from objects inside Jalbum
- Full cacheing of thumbnails for images lacking an embedded thumbnail
- Synchronization between generated files and input files meaning that
renames, moves and deletions to images in the input structure are reflected
among the album files. No more dead files lurking around (A user
preference) - Old problematic „clean files“ function now restricted to the „res“
and „gifs“ folders - More powerful ja:fileiterator tag. Should minimize need for scripting for
skin developers - New finally.bsh file for skin clean-up tasks
- Preference to control if uploaded images open in browser or not
- Reporting on number of objects, vs selected and excluded objects in Jalbum
Explorer status bar - Modularized architecture (see new „lib“ and „ext“ folders for future